Monday, March 28, 2011

Food Is Art- Art Crawl Feb. 2011

Last month, I helped organize Food Is Art, a gallery/party for Art Crawl, with friends Scott Mahoney, Malcolm Guess, Mystique Star, and and awesome crew of friends and artists. The concept was to create a gallery that utilized food as a theme, and introduced the sense of taste as the critique.

Malcolm and I created
delectable raw appetizers and desserts which were tray passed around the party.

Raw Bean and Cheese Burritos

Raw Ice Cream on Coconut Wafers

Cerrah, "The Dutchess" Laykin showcased her Aphrodesia Collection of erotic food photography

Fashion designer Sunny Lopez created veggie-based fashions
worn by our beautiful models Anna Moore and Leilani Galvan.

My buddy Jason Wrobel jumped into the mix, doing live edible painting with fruit roll-up canvases and berry and chocolate paints.

Gregg Fleishman, who has been commissioned to build the temple at Burning Man this year, installed many of his unique, nail-less furniture pieces and structures.
The biggest hit of all was the juice bar, where we created mixed drinks of live juice and vodka! What a concept!

A special thank you to Whole Foods Venice, Ultimate Superfoods, and all of the local farms from the Santa Monica Farmer's Market who donated tons of food to the event.
Amae Love dropping by from "Sexy Bitches Like It Raw"

Special thanks to our sponsors

Jaime Farms

Tutti Frutti Farms

Wholefoods Venice

KIND Healthy Snacks

Mary's Gone Crackers, Inc

CSA California

Ultimate Superfoods

RAWkstar Foods


Sexy Bitches Like it Raw

Monday, March 21, 2011

Create Intentions For Your Life

I'm noticing lately that every vision I hold literally becomes true. I'm feeling more observant of how my intentions and thoughts are creating my reality. My ideas and visions are clearly self-fulfilling prophesies. Negative thought patterns are creating less desirable experiences in my life, and vice-versa. In one way or another, my thought that I'm holding will channel down through my own shushumna nadi and will begin to materialize in front of me. Obviously we interact with the world around us, and if you hold an intention, it begins to unravel and manifest into a dance with all of the variables around you. As I hold an idea or intention, it will find some interesting route to unfold down.
Noticing synchronicities in your life is like having your thoughts mirrored back at you. When noticing a synchronicity, you are catching glimpses of how your visions, ideas, thoughts are interacting with the greater collective consciousness. Synchronicity is no coincidence, it's you becoming more in-tune. If you take moments to intentionalize your life and set goals, you will undoubtable notice synchronistic patterns between your visions and the things that begin to happen to you. These can be positive and also problematic shall you slip into negative thought patterns and doubtfulness. So remember to be fully present in each moment, don't be so hard on yourself, and surrender to being exactly where you are in your life. Forego the pride, believe in your limitless potential, and allow divine order to unfold.

Happy Monday!